Marketing Research & Development
In astronomy, Absolute Magnitude is the scientific definition of the brightness of a star. We embrace the curiosity it takes to understand our place against the darkness, in search of light. We believe in a tenacious pursuit of knowledge, and the boldness necessary to explore what we discover.
Our mission: help brands large and small explore, create, and iterate. We’ve collaborated with Vans to break the Facebooks ads algorithm. We’ve helped Dramamine try to get Mom-fluencers sick by sending them around the world. We’ve even staged a zombie attack on London. And all fueled by next-generation research and strategy.


Unlike most above-the-line agencies, R&D marketing firms tend to be product agnostic, placing importance on solving a problem rather than aiming for a specific deliverable.
This is achieved by next gen research and in-house algorithms that more precisely define your target, opportunity, and timing. The more accurate findings, the tighter the creative executions.
Absolute Magnitude has developed technology and processes to ultimately deliver breakthrough results that are often delivered in anything other than traditional TV spots, digital ads, or other rote executions.

For Nike playoff basketball:
We created social media war rooms for playoff games. We had pre-built artwork where we could easily swap copy and player images to post responses to the games - in total real-time.

For Zeiss phone screen wipes:
We created social posts that made viewers want to wipe their phones screens. When viewers realized it was an ad, we sent them to buy Zeiss screen wipes.

For all of our clients:
Our reports are not documents. They are 'learning' websites that are searchable, instructional, and helps teams discover the information rather than store it on their desktops.
What is Marketing R&D
Our STAR insights method translates information into actionable insights by making connections between diverse data sets and leveraging contextual understanding.
Delve into the depths of data to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and insights that reveal untapped opportunities and challenges.
Triangulate the most valuable segments, touchpoints, and strategies to maximize impact and achieve desired outcomes.
Bring insights to life through innovative, data-driven campaigns, content, and experiences that captivate and engage audiences.
Continuously monitor, assess, and optimize performance to ensure the highest level of excellence, effectiveness, and lasting impact.
We discover blind spots... Competitors you didn't know you have. What the future means for your customer. New audiences moving from the fringes.
Our research products uncover opportunities you may not know exist.

Vans wanted to revitalize their customs line. The originator of the custom sneaker had seen slowing sales in the previous year. We are one of the only agencies that Vans has worked with outside of their own in-house teams.
Applying sneakerhead cultural insights, we re-launched the Vans Customs site with the idea that every custom shoe represented an ultra-limited edition.
To do this we focused on the Facebook ad platform. We then used the Customs back-end to build ads where no two were alike. That way we could 'over serve' thousands of ads that did not fatigue our targeted audience.
We hacked the facebook ad algorithm
128MM impressions (63% uplift)
3.6MM video views (35% uplift)
300K+ engagements
60% sales uplift

Dramamine had tried everything to gain awareness for their Non-drowsy naturals formulation. Nothing seemed to gain attention. Then they came to us.
We gave influencers a purpose
We sent moms around the world trying to get them sick - and it didn't work!
AIMS analysis informed the reintroduction of Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals in three critical ways: It identified the target, key influencers perfect for joining the conversation, and the method by which we would compensate them.
Our creative team leveraged these insights to develop the #KeepMoving campaign that put the brand to the test by sending moms on epic trips around the world. Each trip featured content celebrating the spirit of adventure without the hassle of motion sickness.
17.4MM impressions
20% Instagram growth
4x increase in engagement
The mom-fluencers were only compensated with the trips...nothing else.

the walking dead
SKY noticed a plateauing of their The Walking Dead audience and wanted to make some noise surrounding the premier of the new season. And they wanted to do it in a really big way...
We learning that The Walking Dead fans want most by using our bespoke social semitics and listening tools.
Working with Sky News, we developed live news reports convincing viewers that The Walking Dead was real - and coming.
To generate additional buzz and reach, we created localized mobile videos, with walkers being spotted in popular locations in the UK.
We staged a zombie apocalypse in London
14MM+ views
100K+ reactions

Campaign Development
Communications Planning
Media Planning
Content Strategy
Social video
Next Gen Influencer Marketing

Qual + Quant Research
Cultural Trend Analysis
Brand Strategy
Growth Strategy
Innovation Strategy
Customer Experience
Data Strategy
Measurement + Reporting
Testing + Optimization

Interactive Production
Experiential + Event Production
Film and Photo Studio
Print Studio
Full Stack Development
katina scott

With more than 25 years of experience working with award-winning advertising and communication agencies, Katina has infused creative + strategic thinking into every facet of a brand’s journey. She has worked as a strategist for some the world’s most loved brands, leveraging innovative research that taps into the minds and hearts of consumers to illuminate truths that impact behavior. She is also an Adjunct Lecturer and Portfolio Thesis Advisor for the Branding and Integrated Communications Program at City College of New York, a respected industry speaker, and the owner of an enviable shoe collection.
Stephen para

Over the course of Stephen’s nearly thirty year marketing career he has created and successfully exited three agencies, been the digital transformation leader for three other major US agencies, brought (and then bought) a top flight UK agency to America. In addition to this, in his free time, he has spoken at MIT on AI, works on TV scripts, and does improv.
And to think, he started as a copywriter…